Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have Questions?

We have Answers! (Well, Most of the time)

Below you will find answers to the questions asked most frequently. If you can’t find the answers, you are looking for, we always welcome questions, and you can use the form below to ask us anything.

How can I invest in a sustainability project?

We have a number of projects that are ongoing in Sri Lanka and would be happy to discuss investment opportunities with you. You can use the contact form to get in touch with us.

What kind of projects is Serendib Assets involved in?

There are a number of development projects that Serendib Assets oversees under the umbrella of renewable energy projects, greenhouse gas reduction projects and plastic credit solutions.

Find out more here.

Where does Serendib Assets operate from?

Serendib Assets is registered in Sri Lanka and in the United Kingdom.

The projects are distributed all across the island to ensure optimal effect of sustainability solutions.

Ask a Questions?

If your questions was not answered above, let us know using the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, you can use the details in our contact page to get in touch with us.